Directors call the shots and nothing happens on set without their say-so.
柯林斯例句The British would never stand by and let him call the shots.
互联网It was time for me to call the shots . Our promise must be kept.'
是时候该我拍板了. “ 我们之间的诺言必须遵守”
互联网It was time for me to call the shots.
互联网Oh, he likes to call the shots around here.
噢, 他喜欢到处发号施令罢了.
互联网Well, you call the shots.
互联网It was time for me to call the shots.'Our promise must be kept.'
该轮到我发号施令了. “ 我们一定要信守诺言. ”
互联网They call the shots, and we're just here to help them figure out whatever they need.
根据他们的要求, 我们帮助找到他们所需要的.
互联网Again the disagreement is pretty basic : Everybody wants to call the shots.
互联网I'm a like the ringleader, I call the shots ( Call the shots ) .
我就是流行天后?由我 发号施令.
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